Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Golongan Darah

Percaya atau tidak, golongan darah juga dapat memengaruhi kepribadian seseorang. Meski Anda yang gemar berselancar di internet mungkin sudah pernah membacanya, tetap tak ada ruginya bagi kita untuk berbagi info soal golongan darah yang boleh dipercaya boleh pula tidak kepada khalayak yang lebih luas.

Golongan darah A
Biasanya orang yang bergolongan darah A berkepala dingin, serius, sabar dan kalem atau cool, bahasa kerennya. Berkarakter tegas, bisa diandalkan dan dipercaya meski keras kepala. Sebelum melakukan sesuatu dipikirkan terlebih dulu dan direncanakan dengan matang.

Mereka mengerjakan segalanya dengan sungguh-sungguh dan konsisten, berusaha membuat diri sewajar mungkin. Mereka bisa kelihatan menyendiri dan jauh dari orang-orang. Mereka mencoba menekan perasaan mereka dan karena sering melakukannya jadi terlihat tegar kendati sebenarnya punya sisi yang lembek seperti gugup dan lain-lain sebagainya. Mereka cenderung keras terhadap orang-orang yang tak sependapat sehingga cenderung berada di sekitar orang-orang yang ber’temperamen’ sama.

Golongan darah B
Orang bergolongan darah B cenderung penasaran dan tertarik pada segalanya. Mereka juga cenderung punya terlalu banyak kegemaran dan hobi. Kalau sedang suka dengan sesuatu biasanya mereka menggebu-gebu tapi cepat juga bosan. Namun mereka bisa memilih mana yang lebih penting dari sekian banyak hal yang dikerjakannya. Mereka cenderung ingin jadi nomor satu dalam berbagai hal ketimbang hanya dianggap rata-rata. Tapi biasanya mereka cenderung melalaikan sesuatu jika terfokus dengan kesibukan yang lain. Dengan kata lain, mereka tak bisa mengerjakan sesuatu secara berbarengan.

Mereka dari luar terlihat cemerlang, riang, bersemangat dan antusias. Namun sebenarnya hal itu semua sama sekali berbeda dengan yang ada dalam diri mereka. Mereka bisa dikatakan sebagai orang yang tak ingin bergaul dengan banyak orang.

Golongan darah O
Orang yang bergolongan darah O biasanya berperan dalam menciptakan gairah untuk suatu grup selain menciptakan keharmonisan di antara para anggota grup tersebut. Figur mereka terlihat sebagai orang yang menerima dan melaksanakan sesuatu dengan tenang.

Mereka pandai menutupi sesuatu sehingga kelihatan selalu riang, damai dan tak punya masalah sama sekali. Tapi kalau tak tahan, mereka pasti akan mencari tempat atau orang untuk curhat (tempat mengadu).

Mereka biasanya pemurah (baik hati), senang berbuat kebajikan dan tak segan-segan mengeluarkan uang untuk orang lain. Mereka sebenarnya keras kepala juga, dan secara rahasia punya pendapatnya sendiri tentang berbagai hal. Di lain pihak, mereka sangat fleksibel dan mudah menerima hal-hal baru.

Mereka cenderung mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain, begitu juga yang mereka lihat dari TV. Terlihat berkepala dingin dan terpercaya tapi sering tergelincir dan membuat kesalahan besar karena kurang hati-hati. Tapi hal itu yang menyebabkan orang yang bergolongan darah O ini dicintai.

Golongan darah AB
Orang bergolongan darah AB ini punya perasaan sensitif dan lembut. Mereka penuh perhatian dengan perasaan orang lain dan selalu menghadapi orang lain dengan kepedulian serta hati-hati.

Di samping itu mereka keras dengan diri sendiri, dan dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya. Mereka jadi cenderung kelihatan mempunyai dua kepribadian, sering menjadi orang yang sentimen dan memikirkan sesuatu terlalu dalam.

Mereka punya banyak teman, tapi mereka butuh waktu untuk menyendiri untuk memikirkan persoalan-persoalan mereka.

Jumat, 23 November 2012


Graffiti decorations
Under the sky of dust
A constant wave of tension
On top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me
I learned were never true

Now I find myself in question
They point the finger at me again
Guilty by association
You point the finger at me again

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

Paper bags and angry voices
Under a sky of dust
Another wave of tension
Has more than filled me up
All my talk of taking action
These words were never true

Now I find myself in question
They point the finger at me again
Guilty by association
You point the finger at me again

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

I'm gonna run away, and never say goodbye
Gonna run away
Gonna run away
I'm gonna run away and never wonder why
Gonna run away
Gonna run away
I'm gonna run away and open up my mind
Gonna run away
Gonna run away
Gonna run away
Gonna run away

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

I wanna run away and open up my mind
I wanna run away and open up my mind
I wanna run away and open up my mind
I wanna run away and open up my mind
I wanna run away and open up my mind
I wanna run away and open up my mind

Selasa, 20 November 2012

10 band penganut satanisme yang populer

Di antara banyak band-band metal Saat ini, terdapat beberapa band-band yang merupakan band-band sesat yang memuja setan. 

Band-band tersebut menjual jiwanya untuk para setan demi keinginanya agar memperoleh ketenaran. Band yang beraliran Black Metal merupakan aliran metal yang paling banyak memiliki Band Metal-Satanis.

1. Acheron

Band yang berdiri pada tahun 1998, dan dibentuk oleh Pendeta Vincent Crowley di Tampa, Florida. Yang kemudian bergabung dengan Peter H. Gilmore, Magister Gereja Setan.

Dan untuk pertama kalinya, band ini merilis album yang berjudul "Messe Noir" pada tahun 1988. Album ini dibuat khusus sebagai edisi terbatas (7-inci) yang juga merupakan rekor dimensi sebuah album yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. 

Untuk membuat album ini benar-benar kental terhadap aliran satanis, Acheron membuat album ini dicopy hanya untuk 666 eksemplar.

Kemudian pada tahun 1991, band ini membuat tercengang dunia dengan menerbitkan album kedua mereka yang berjudul Rites of the Black Mass (1991). 

Pada album tersebut, setiap lagu-lagunya mengandung ayat-ayat yang ada pada injil hitam (Satanic Bible) serta digunakan intro bergaya Gothik dan gitar solo yang membuat lagu-lagu tersebut terkesan dari dunia "Kegelapan". Lagu-lagu mereka pun didasarkan atas filsafat "Satanis".

Album :
Messe Noir (1988), Rites of the Black Mass (1991), Alla Xul (1992), Satanic Victory (1992), Lex Talionis (1992), Anti-God, Anti-Christ (1996), Those Who Have Risen (1997), Necromanteion Communion (1998), Compendium Diablerie : The Demo Days (2001).

2. Angelcorpse

Merupakan band yang dibentuk pada tahun 1995 oleh Pete Helmkamp dan mantan band yang dikenal sebagai Orde dari Chaos. 

Angelcorpse berasal dari Kansas City, tapi mereka pindah ke Tampa Florida (yang merupakan daerah penganut Satanisme) di Amerika. Musik mereka bertemakan Anti-Kristus dan peperangan. 

Pada tahun 1995 dan 2007 Band ini melakukan tur ke Eropa untuk mendukukng band-band beraliran satanisme yang ada.

Hal lain yang berkaitan dengan band ini adalah Pete Helmkamp, personil band, menulis buku yang berjudul 'The Conqueror Manifesto.' 

Menurutnya, hal-hal yang memandang bahwa "In the spirit of Crowley's" dan pandangan tentang "Antichrist" adalah merupakan kebenaran. Dalam bukunya tersebut Pete menuliskan upaya manusia agar bisa naik ke Quest terhadap Plateau dari Invincibility dan mencapai Godhood (Homodeus).

Album :
Goats to Azazael Demo (1995), Hammer of Gods (1996), Nuclear Hell (1997), Wolflust Single (1997), Exterminate (1998), Winds of Desecration (1999), The Inexorable (1999), Iron, Blood and Blasphemy (2000), Death Dragons of the Apocalypse (2002), Of Lucifer and Lightning (2007).

3. Cradle Of Filth

Band yang berasal dari Inggris dibentuk pada tahun 1992, dengan penyanyi utama Dani Filth. Merupakan Band yang sangat erat kaitanya dengan Sihir, Mitologi, dan hal-hal yang berbau Kotoran. 

Selain menyanyikan alunan musik Black Metal, aliran ini juga memainkan aliran Dark Metal dan Death Metal, Vampyric Metal, Satan Metal dan Symphonic Black Metal.

Aliran ini telah banyak berubah sejak awal mula dibentuk. Pada awalnya nuansa Death Metal begitu kelihatan, namun seiring dengan waktu berubah menjadi Black, dan yang terakhir Bernuansa Ghotic yang sangat terlihat pada lagu " Nymphetamine". 

Prestasi besar yang pernah diraih oleh band ini adalah merupakan band yang paling terkenal di Inggris setelah Iron Maiden.

Album :
The Principle of Evil Made Flesh (1994), Dusk... and Her Embrace (1996), Cruelty and the Beast (1998), Midian (2000), Damnation and a Day (2003), Nymphetamine (2004), Thornography (2006), Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder (2008).

4. Dimmu Borgir

Band Black Metal yang berasal dari Oslo, Norwegia, dibentuk pada tahun 1993. Dibentuk oleh Shagrath, Silenoz, dan Tjodalv.

Band ini pertama kali menerbitkan album 'Inn i evighetens mørke' pada tahun 1994. Yang kemudian merampungkan seluruh Track pada album For All Tid (1994).

Band ini diketahui sering memainkan aliran Symphonic Black Metal, Black Metal, Ritual Black Metal, dan Deathy Metal. 

Tema-tema yang dibahas dalam lirik lagu-lagunya hampir sama dengan Cradle Of Filth, yaitu tentang pemujaan kepada Setan, Ritual, dan Peperangan.

Album :
For all tid (1994), Stormblåst (1996), Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (1997), Spiritual Black Dimensions (1999), Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (2001), Death Cult Armageddon (2003), Stormblåst MMV (2005) In Sorte Diaboli (2007).

5. Arch Goat

Band kelima merupakan band Black-Death Metal, yaitu Arch Goat yang dibentuk di Finlandia. Album Pertama mereka diluncurkan pada tahun 1992 yang berjudul "Jesus Spawn". 

Sebuah album yang di dalamnya penuh dengan hujatan-hujatan kepada Tuhan. Style dan gaya Band ini mirip dengan Angelcorpse, yaitu anti Kristus serta banyak memainkan Filosophy Satanis. Band ini juga terkadang memainkan musik Ritual.

Album :
Jesus Spawn (1992), Angelcunt (Tales of Desecration) (1993), Angelslaying Black Fucking Metal (2004), Live Black Mass (2005), Whore of Bethlehem (2006).

6. Blasphemy

Band Satanis keenam, adalah band Black Metal yang berasal dari Kanada, dibentuk di daerah Burnaby tahun 1984 bernama Blasphemy. 

Debut mereka yang pertama dalah "Blood upon the Altar" pada tahun 1989, merupakan album yang berisi Hujatan-hujatan kepada Tuhan. 

Band ini juga pernah melakukan tur ke Jerman "Fuck Christ". Dalam syair-syairnya, Band ini banyak menggunakan tema-tema yang berhubungan dengan paganisme, mitologis dan lirik-lirik Anti-Kristus.

Album :
Fallen Angel of Doom (1990), Gods of War (1993), Live Ritual - Friday the 13th (2002).

7. Behemoth

Band Black Metal yang berasal dari Polandia pada tahun 1991. Band ini memainkan musik dengan tema-tema Satanis, dan Ritual, dan pemujaan kepada Berhala. 

Band ini juga memainkan aliran musik Death Metal, ada juga yang menyebutnya sebagai Black Metal, Avantgrade Metal, Pagan Metal. 

Namun aliran yang sebenarnya dari band ini masih diragukan, karena band ini lebih suka tidak dilabelkan dalam genre apapun.

Album :
And the Forests Dream Eternally (EP) (1995), Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic) (1995),Grom (1996), Bewitching the Pomerania (EP) (1997), Pandemonic Incantations (1998), Satanica (1999), Thelema.6 (2000), Antichristian Phenomenon (EP) (2001), Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond) (2002), Conjuration (EP) (2003), Demigod (2004), Slaves Shall Serve (EP) (2005), The Apostasy (2007), Ezkaton (EP) (2008), Evangelion (2009).

8. Arch Enemy

Band Melodic Death Metal yang berasal dari Swedia. Band ini bernama Arch Enemy. Band ini merilis album pertamanya pada tahun 1996 berjudul "Black Earth". 

Style band ini sangat mengagumkan, setiap track pada albumnya penuh dengan Melodi Gitar yang digabung dengan suara vokalis cewe (Angela Gossow) ini membuatnya begitu berkesan. 

Hal-hal yang dibahas dalam lagu-lagunya adalah hal-hal mengenai Kiamat, dan Anti-Kristus. Selain itu, pesonil band ini berasal dari para mantan Pemain band metal sebelumnya, seperti band Carcass, dan Yohanes Liva.

Album :
Black Earth (1996), Stigmata (1998), Burning Bridges (1999), Wages of Sin (2001), Anthems of Rebellion (2003), Doomsday Machine (2005), Rise of the Tyrant (2007).

9. Beherit

Band ini dibentuk di Finlandia pada tahun 1989. Band ini sendiri memiliki arti "setan" dalam bahasa Syria. Musik mereka bertemakan kebiadapan, Anti-Kristus, Neraka, dan penghujatan. 

Band ini terkenal karena gaya ambient yang dimainkan personilnya, band ini juga memainkan aliran Deathcore dan Black Metal.

Album :
The Oath of Black Blood (1991), Drawing Down the Moon (1993), Dawn of Satan's Millennium (1991), Werewolf, Semen and Blood (1998), Messe Des Morts (1994), Beast of Beherit - Complete Worxxx (1999).

Points Of Authority

"Pts.OF.Athrty" (pronounced Points of Authority) is a song by Linkin Park. It is a single from their remix album, Reanimation. The single features remixes of the Hybrid Theory tracks "Points of Authority," "High Voltage" and "By Myself". "Pts.OF.Athrty" was remixed by Jay Gordon from Orgy, "H! Vltg3" was remixed by Evidence featuring Pharoahe Monch, while "By Myself" was remixed by Marilyn Manson. The remixes of "Points of Authority" and "High Voltage" are the same as those found on the standard release of Reanimation, while the remix of "By Myself" is a different version found only on the physical single, the Japanese version and on iTunes as a bonus track.
There is also an alternate version of Jay Gordon's "Pts.OF.Athrty" remix, which surfaced on a Jay Gordon remix page in 2008.[1] It is now known that this version is a demo of the song.
There are two different endings to the song: on the album, the song holds out the long note and plays a reversed sample of "In the End", which leads up to "Enth E Nd". On the music video, the long note cuts off.
This remix of "Points of Authority" is renowned for its video, a completely CGI battle between robots, ruled by the heads of Linkin Park members, and an alien race. The heads of all six Linkin Park members are kept in a digital lab equipped with computers and advanced equipment which can be seen extracting something from the heads as Chester Benningtonand Mike Shinoda sing. According to Mr. Hahn, the band members' heads are powering the world. At the very end of the video, the commander of the alien race tries to battle the blue tentacles that were released by the members' heads, but gets his gun ripped out of his hand, and is enveloped by them.
Director Joe Hahn explained that the events of the video took place after the end of the human race and all that's left are the heads of the six Linkin Park members. The video is also said to have been inspired by the dream sequences in the 2001 film Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. The music video was aired on Cartoon Network's Toonami block as a commercial break (around the year 2002). There is also a video for "Points of Authority" from Hybrid Theory which contains footage of the band playing live. It is featured on the DVDFrat Party at the Pankake Festival.
Another video features the live performance of "Points of Authority" from Linkin Park's live album Live in Texas. The Live in Texas version is available on iTunes, along with Lying from You. The "Points of Authority" video was not officially uploaded on Youtube by Linkin Park or Warner Bros. Records. It is available exclusively on The "Pts.OF.Athrty" is available on Youtube exclusively on the Warner Bros. Records Youtube Channel.

Jumat, 16 November 2012

History Of Camp Nou

My last posting was club history FC Barcelona now I will explain about the history of the Camp Nou, FC Barcelona stadium.construcció camp nou
construcció camp nou
In the early days, the club constantly switched between different grounds. In the second stage, the club was consolidated by finding a permanent home at Les Corts. And the third stage, and the construction of the Camp Nou, reflects the expansion and grandeur of the club on a global scale.

The old Les Corts ground, inaugurated in 1922, was remodelled several times in order to find room for Barça’s constantly growing fan base. After the Spanish Civil War, the club started attracting more and more members every year, which also meant a considerably larger number of spectators at matches. This increased support was the inspiration for several expansion projects, of the south goal (1946), the north goal (1950), and the grandstand’s capacity (1944). But it was becoming patently evident that what the club really needed to do was build a completely new stadium, and therefore the board of directors combined these improvements to Les Corts with plans to make the dream of a new stadium a reality. 

The need for a new stadium 
From 1948, people were more and more keen on the idea of building a completely new ground, but this was not an easy thing to do, and it was necessary to convince the local authorities that a new stadium would be able to fit in with the plans at the time to develop the upper area of the Diagonal. 

It is often said that what finally convinced the board that there was no other option than the construction of a new ground was the arrival of the now legendary Ladislau Kubala, one of the finest players ever to appear for FC Barcelona. And although there can be no doubting that Kubala attracted more interest than ever in the team and meant the club’s spirits hit a new high, the decision to build was inspired just as much by the two League titles won in 1947-48 and 1948-49, which was before the great Hungarian had signed for the club. 

In fact, the first solid step towards a new stadium came in September 1950, fifteen days before Kubala played his first friendly match wearing his new Barça colours. It was then that the president of the time, Agustí Montal y Galobart, signed an option to purchase a site in the area known as La Maternidad, an option that was to be taken up just two months later. 

What followed was a turbulent period, as the Camp Nou commission decided on February 9, 1951 to change the location of the future stadium to the area at the top of the Diagonal, and this led to a series of sterile negotiations with the Authorities that did not seem to be getting anywhere. The matter seemed to have been shelved for good when Francesc Miró-Sans won the FC Barcelona presidential elections on November 14, 1953. The new president was a fervent supporter of the idea of building a new stadium as soon as possible and one of the first things he did after coming into office on February 18, 1954 was to locate the future stadium on the site purchased in 1950, rather than at the top end of the Diagonal. And so, on March 28, before a crowd of 60,000 Barça fans, the first stone of the future Camp Nou was laid in place under the presidency of civil governor Felipe Acedo Colunga and with the blessing of the Archbishop of Barcelona, Gregorio Modrego. 

The construction (1954-1957) 
The architects of the new stadium were Francesc Mitjans Miró, cousin of Miró-Sans, and Josep Soteras Mauri, with the collaboration of Lorenzo García Barbón. More than a year later, on July 11, 1955, the club commissioned the construction work to the INGAR SA company, who estimated the project at 66,620,000 pesetas, claiming it would take 18 months to complete. However, the stadium would eventually cost an awful lot more than the original estimate, eventually totalling around 288 million pesetas, an amount that would need to be covered by successive issues of mortgage obligations ((100 million pesetas) and short term bonds (60 million pesetas). This measure meant the construction of the stadium could be financed, but would leave the club in heavy debt for many years after. 

The inauguration 
The date on which the stadium was to be inaugurated was September 24, 1957. A special commission was organised whose task was to organise the kind of opening ceremony that the occasion warranted, with two people in charge of the operation: Aleix Buxeres (public relations) and Nicolau Casaus (organisation). In the Barcelona City Council’s Salón de las Crónicas, on Saturday September 21, José María de Cossío, a member of the Real Academia Española, solemnly declared the celebrations of the inauguration of the new stadium open. That same September weekend, a series of international matches were played at Les Corts and the Palacio Municipal de Deportes involving the club’s different sports teams. Those days will go down in club history, and were set to words by the great poet Josep M. de Sagarra in his sonnet titled 'Azul Grana', while an anthem was written in honour of the new FC Barcelona stadium, with Josep Badia putting the words to Adolf Cabané’s music. 

On the day of the 1957 Mercè Festival, the city was decked out in the FC Barcelona colours. The celebrations continued with the holding of a solemn mass and the blessing of the stadium by the Archbishop of Barcelona, Gregorio Modrego. The Orfeón Graciense choir then performed Händel’s ‘Hallelujah’ while the image of the Virgin of Montserrat was exalted. The president’s box was packed with the most important personages of the sporting and political worlds of the period, including club president Francesc Miró-Sans; José Solís Ruiz, general secretary for Movement, which was the equivalent of the ministry of sport at the time; José Antonio Elola Olaso, head of the National Delegation of Sportspeople; Felipe Acedo, civil governor of Barcelona, and Josep M. de Porcioles, Mayor of Barcelona. 

Although work on the stadium was not yet complete, more than 90,000 spectators were able to witness the event, which continued with representatives of all the major football clubs in Catalonia parading on the pitch, as well as members of the club’s other sports teams and the supporters clubs. The new Stadium Anthem was then performed and the first game to be played at the Camp Nou kicked off at half past four in the afternoon. FC Barcelona played a friendly against Polish side Warsaw. The first Barça line-up ever to appear at the Camp Nou featured: Ramallets, Olivella, Brugué, Segarra, Vergés, Gensana, Basora, Villaverde, Martínez, Kubala and Tejada. A different eleven took to the field in the second half: Ramallets, Segarra, Brugué, Gràcia, Flotados, Bosch, Hermes, Ribelles, Tejada, Sampedro and Evaristo. Barça won the match 4-2 with goals from Eulogio Martínez (whose 11th minute strike was the first goal ever at the Camp Nou), Tejada, Sampedro and Evaristo. At half time, 1,500 members of the Agrupación Cultural Folclórica de Barcelona danced a huge sardana and freed 10,000 doves. And so it was that a brand new period in the history of FC Barcelona had begun.

History Of My Favourite Club on Football/Soccer

On November 29, 1899, Hans Gamper founded Futbol Club Barcelona, along with eleven other enthusiasts of 'foot-ball', a game that was still largely unknown in this part of the world
He could never have imagined the magnitude of what that initiative would eventually develop into. Over more than one hundred years of history, FC Barcelona has grown spectacularly in every area and has progressed into something much greater than a mere sports club, turning Barça’s ‘more than a club’ slogan into a reality.
Barça has become, for millions of people all around the world, a symbol of their identity, and not just in a sporting sense, but also in terms of society, politics and culture. Throughout the most difficult of times, Barça was the standard that represented Catalonia and the Catalan people's desire for freedom, a symbolism that has continued to be closely linked to the idiosyncrasy of the Club and its members to this day. Within the context of Spain, Barça is seen as an open and democratic club. And all around the world, Barça is identified with caring causes, and most especially children through its sponsorship agreement with Unicef.
For a whole century, FC Barcelona has passed through moments of glory and pain, periods of brilliance and other less successful ones, epic victories and humbling defeats. But all these different moments have helped define the personality of a Club that, due to its peculiar nature, is considered unique in the world.
With over one hundred years of history, there have naturally been many different periods, both in a social and a sporting sense. In the early years (1899-1922) , from the foundation of the club to the construction of Les Corts stadium, Barça was a club that had to distinguish itself from all the other football teams in Barcelona, to the point that it would come to be identified with the city as a whole. Barça soon became the leading club in Catalonia, and also associated itself with the increasingly growing sense of Catalan national identity.
From Les Corts to the Camp Nou (1922-1957), the club went through contrasting periods. Its membership reached 10,000 for the first time, while football developed into a mass phenomenon and turned professional, and these were the years of such legendary figures as Alcántara and Samitier. But due to material difficulties and the political troubles of the Spanish Civil War and post-war period, the club was forced to overcome several adverse circumstances, including the assassination of president Josep Sunyol in 1936, the very person who had propagated the slogan ‘sport and citizenship'. But the club survived, and a period of social and sporting recovery materialised in the form of the Camp Nou, coinciding with the arrival of the hugely influential Ladislau Kubala.
From the construction of the Camp Nou to the 75th anniversary (1957-1974) , Barça suffered mediocre results but was consolidated as an entity, with a constantly increasing membership and the slow but steady recovery, in the face of adversity, of its identity. A very clear sensation that was manifested for the first time ever in the words ‘Barça, more than a club’ proclaimed by president Narcís de Carreras. The board presided by Agustí Montal brought a player to Barcelona who would change the history of the club, Johan Cruyff.
From the 7th anniversary to the European Cup (1974-1992) the club saw the conversion of football clubs to democracy, the start of Josep Lluís Núñez’s long presidency, the extension of the Camp Nou on occasion of the 1982 World Cup and the Cup Winners Cup triumph in Basle (1979), a major success not just in a sporting sense but also in a social one, with an enormous and exemplary expedition of Barça supporters demonstrating to Europe the unity of the Barcelona and Catalan flags. Cruyff returned, this time as coach, and created what would come to be known as the 'Dream Team' (1990-1994), whose crowning glory was the conquest of the European Cup at Wembley (1992), thanks to Koeman’s famous goal. International Dominance. From Wembley to Abu Dhabi (1992-2009) was when the club’s most recent developments occurred in between its three greatest achievements, becoming champions of Europe. Josep Lluís Núñez’s long presidency came to an end, and the club displayed its finest potential during the celebrations of the club Centenary. Following on from Joan Gaspart (2000-2003), the June 2003 election brought Joan Laporta into office, and the start of new social expansion, reaching 172,938 members, and more successes on the pitch, including four league titles, the Champions League titles won in Paris and Rome and the FIFA Club World Cup.
In the season 2008-09 the arrival of Josep Guardiola as first team coach brought new energy to the club and they recorded the most successful season in their entire history winning the six titles that will be forever burned into the memories of all Barça fans. Success on the field has helped the club expand its social role and heighten its media profile. In the 2009/10 season, Guardiola’s second in charge, the Liga title was won for the second year in a row, and the twentieth on club history, setting a new record of 99 points in the process. The title was not decided until the very last day, with a game against Valladolid, and the celebrations went ahead that very same evening in the company of the fans at the Camp Nou.The grandeur of Futbol Club Barcelona is explained, among many other factors, by its impressive honours list. Very few clubs anywhere in the world have won so many titles. The Intercontinental Cup is the only major football trophy that has never made its way into the club museum, where the club's greatest pride and joy remain the three European Cup titles won in Wembley (1992) Paris (2006), Rome (2009) and the FIFA Club World Cup in 2009.
Apart from winning Europe’s top title,, the Club also has the honour of being the only one to have appeared in every single edition of European club competition since the tournaments were first created back in 1955. Barcelona's many achievements in Europe include being considered 'King of the Cup Winners Cup', having won that title a record four timesIn addition, FC Barcelona also won three Fairs Cups (the tournament now known as the UEFA Cup) in 1958, 1960 and 1966. In 1971, Barça won that trophy outright in a match played between themselves, as the first ever winners of the competition, and Leeds United, as the last.
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Patrick Hates Patrick Hates

Rabu, 14 November 2012

This Is War

"This Is War"

A warning to the people,
The good and the evil,
This is war.

To the soldier, the civilian,
The martyr, the victim,
This is war.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die,
The moment to fight, the moment to fight
To fight, to fight, to fight!

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

A warning to the prophet,
The liar, the honest,
This is war.

To the leader, the pariah,
The victor, the messiah,
This is war.

It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie,
The moment to live and the moment to die,
The moment to fight, the moment to fight,
To fight, to fight, to fight!

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

I do believe in the light
Raise your hands into the sky
The fight is done, the war is won
Lift your hands toward the sun
Toward the sun
Toward the sun
Toward the sun
The war is won

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first

To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death!
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world
It's a brave new world!

A brave new world
The war is won
The war is won
A brave new world